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Support & Working Together

Meaningful Activities

Supported Holidays and Day Trips


2 Care organise several supported holidays for Residents through the year. These are a fantastic opportunity for Residents to develop their friendships, have fun and share experiences. We feel that it is important and beneficial for the well-being of all individuals to have positive things such as holidays and trips to look forward to. Examples of holidays include Centre Parcs, Haven in Devon, Butlins in Weymouth and Majorca. Annual trips and activities include; London theatre shows, Longleat Safari Park, Battlefield, Swanage, Weymouth, Madame Tussauds, shopping trips, Pantomime trips and many more.


"I just wanted to say thank you 2Care for another good holiday! We hired out Mountain bikes for the week to go around on and it was good fun going through the woods. We went swimming a lot and it was fun, the water was hot like a bath and it had a wave machine and a Jacuzzi which was lovely. It was a great holiday and I will remember it always."


- 2Care Resident


Therapeutic Work


2 Care offer a DWP endorsed therapeutic work scheme with many varied opportunities, including gardening, maintenance, assisting in the kitchen, writing for the 2Care newsletter, cleaning etc. Residents may wish to start by working just a couple of hours a week and increase their hours as they become more confident. We feel that offering therapeutic work opportunities not only helps Residents develop employment skills and responsibilities but also promotes daily structure and stability. Residents who have engaged with the scheme have gone on to take up both voluntary and paid employment opportunities in the community.


"I have been doing my job working in the dining room for a long time now. I work 4 days a week, 2 shifts a day. My job has helped me a lot – I would rather work than sit down all day doing nothing. It has given me something to do with my time and I am more confident and have learnt lots of skills. Having extra money also really helps."


- 2Care Resident


On-Site Activities


2 Care offer an extensive range of onsite activities with a dedicated team ensuring Residents engage in at least one regular meaningful activity. Some of the activities we run include a Gardening group, Walking club, School of Rock (Music group), Exercise group, Nail club, Improving your skills (reading and writing), Arts and Craft group, Spa Club, group cooking sessions and various discussion groups

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I really enjoy craft club – I go every time it is on It is good because it keeps me busy and I like to socialise with everyone. I have made scarves, hats, a teddy bear, painting by numbers and much more. I also really liked our trip to Hobby Craft.
2 Care Resident
In September a group of us went to Majorca for a week’s holiday where we had lots of fun in the sun. We flew from Bournemouth and apart from a few nerves and hand holding we had a very good flight. I was lucky enough to have a window seat where I saw an amazing sunset. We had an all-inclusive holiday and I have never seen so much food. I have to say for me that the best part of the holiday was having a swim in the sea; the sea was so warm and crystal clear that you could see your feet. I really enjoyed my holiday, the company was brilliant and I would really love to go again one day.
2 Care Resident
I’m really glad I have my job, I clean out the birds in the aviary every week and do lots of gardening. It has made me feel better in myself and more independent and it also helps me smoke less.
2Care Resident

Supporting You

Outcome Stars


2 Care strives to deliver a recovery focussed service that promotes independence and helps individuals move forward with their journey to recovery and on to more independent living.


2 Care has therefore incorporated the Outcome Star tool into our support programme which enables service users to clearly identify their needs and work towards goals in specific areas using a personalised and structured Support Plan.


The Star and Support Plans are reviewed and updated at least every 6 months so that progress and change can be effectively monitored and achievements celebrated.


We feel that the Star and Support plans not only support effective key-working but allow a holistic approach to support, ensuring that each individual is given every chance to fulfil their potential all areas of life. Areas included in the Recovery Star are:


* Managing mental health

* Managing self-care

* Developing independent living skills

* Developing and maintaining social networks

* Engaging in voluntary work or achieving gainful employment.

* Developing and maintaining meaningful relationships

* Managing addictive behaviour

* Understanding responsibilities

* Improving a sense identity and self-esteem

* Improving a sense of trust and hope for the future


In addition to the Recovery Star which is designed to help adults with mental health needs, we also use the Life Star which is specifically designed for adults with Learning Disabilities. For further information on the Outcome Stars please see their website:




When you move in to 2Care you will be given a support worker who will be your main contact for support – your ‘Keyworker’. They will work with you to complete an Outcome Star Assessment and Support Plan. In the Support Plan you will identify goals together that you would like to achieve in the next 6 months. These goals will be focussed on moving you forward with your recovery and improving your independence.

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Resident Involvement

Residents are encouraged to take an active role in all areas of the service and have their say. Residents are involved in policy reviews, interviewing new staff, giving feedback throughout the year via surveys, attending regular resident meetings and have also gone on to be employed as staff members by 2Care.

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